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Codeunit WSB_PMPJobTaskTemplateMgt

Provides functions used for project task templates.


Name Value
Access Public



Lookup function for project template planning line No. field.


Type Name Description
Record "WSB_PMPJobPlanningLineTempl" vRecJobPlanningLineTempl The project template planning line

wlEvpOnAfterFillJobTaskTemplatePlanningLineFieldExclusionList(List of [Integer]@, Boolean)

Event triggered after the project template planning line transfer field exclusion list is set.


Type Name Description
List vFieldExclusionList The field exclusion list.
Boolean pApplyTemplate Called from template application.

wlEvpOnApplyTemplateOnBeforeJobPlanningLineModify(Job Planning Line@, WSB_PMPJobPlanningLineTempl, Boolean@)

Event triggered before the project planning line from a project template planning line is modified.


Type Name Description
Record "Job Planning Line" vRecJobPlanningLine The project planning line.
Record "WSB_PMPJobPlanningLineTempl" pRecJobPlanningLineTempl The project template planning line.
Boolean vIsHandled Allows to suspende the project planning line modify.

wlEvpOnJobPlanningLineApplyTemplateOnBeforeValidateFields(RecordRef@, RecordRef@)

Event triggered before the project planning line fields from a project template planning line are validated.


Type Name Description
`` vRecJobPlanningLine The project planning line.
`` pRecJobPlanningLineTempl The project template planning line.